Dr Rubinstein, logo 01, diastasis recti, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty,plastic surgery, breast reduction

Wearing Compression Garments After Your Body Surgery

How wearing post-op compression garments can help surgery results Compression garments can help recovery following most plastic surgical procedures. These garments are an essential part of after-surgery care following plastic surgical procedures such as abdominoplasty, breast surgery, liposuction and different post-weight loss body surgeries. Why should I wear compression garments following liposuction and abdominoplasty? As
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Dr Rubinstein, logo 01, diastasis recti, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty,plastic surgery, breast reduction

What are the Possible Options for Descending Breasts?

Descending Breasts? Breast Implants, Breast Lifts (Mastopexy) or Breast Reduction Options Explained If you have descending breasts, you may be researching your breast surgery options. To get uplifted breasts, which lift the nipples to a more central location on the breast mound, requires a breast lift (mastopexy). You can get a breast lift (mastopexy) with
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Dr Rubinstein, logo 01, diastasis recti, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty,plastic surgery, breast reduction

Things to Know About Getting a Breast Augmentation – FAQs

Top Things to Know About Getting a Breast Augmentation If you’ve been thinking about getting a breast augmentation, you’ve come to the right place. With all the articles and opinions you come across online, things can get confusing. So, we’ve decided to put together some answers to frequently asked questions about breast augmentation surgery. Should
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Dr Rubinstein, logo 01, diastasis recti, breast augmentation, abdominoplasty,plastic surgery, breast reduction

Will Medicare Cover my Breast Reduction Surgery?

Can I claim my Breast Reduction on Medicare? Patients always ask, will Medicare pay for my Breast Reduction surgery? –  There is significant research that indicates women’s health and post-pregnancy conditions, such as neck pain, shoulder pain, rashes or infections may be relieved by breast reduction surgery (Reduction Mammoplasty) of their heavy, descending breasts. So
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