Small Scars After Breast Augmentation Surgery


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Is it Possible to Have Smaller Scars after Breast Implant Surgery?

The option of breast augmentation surgery with a comparatively smaller scar is offered by plastic surgeon Dr Craig Rubinstein in Melbourne. This surgical technique uses shorter incision lines under the breasts than traditional breast crease incisions. It may help some patients achieve smaller scars after breast augmentation.

The Short Scar Breast Augmentation Method

In brief, the ‘small scar’ breast augmentation technique involves shorter incisions than are typically required to insert the breast implant. However, this surgery option may not suit all patients. Further, every person scars differently; some people may be prone to problematic scarring. Be sure you understand the variances in surgical healing and scar formations. Ask Dr Rubinstein if you’re a suitable candidate for a shorter incision line and how to help your skin heal to encourage a less visible scar.

Small Scars After Breast Augmentation: What to Consider

  • Firstly, it helps to understand the intensive planning before breast surgery includes:
    • incision line choices relating to the breast crease (the inframammary fold)
    • breast implant insertion – surgical techniques for pocket creation and implant placement
    • patient-specific health dynamics, including skin elasticity
    • breast implant types, sizes and projection volumes
    • the impact of skin pigmentation on your propensity to develop very visible scars – or less visible scars
  • Secondly, recognise that not all surgeons take time to do pre-surgery measurements with precision
    • this includes using laser levels when required or requesting volumetric MRIs to assess asymmetry
  • Thirdly, it can be helpful to employ a Keller Funnel, along with special breast implants that allow for shorter incision lines, to achieve smaller scars
  • Fourthly, ask about additional incision line healing tips, such as silicone strips or low-level light therapies, that may help patients reduce the visibility of post-surgery breast scars

Remember, every person’s skin is unique. So, too, are scars. As a result, your surgeon cannot control all aspects of scar formation. What your plastic surgeon does is only part of the equation. Your genetic scarring traits, your dermal health and skin pigmentation, your lifestyle choices, healing habits and nutritional health all can have an impact on your scars.

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Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

Breast Augmentation aims to provide fuller breast volume and better cleavage through the use of breast implants and, in some cases, fat grafting.

More Information About Scarring

Remember, it can take a year for a scar to fully mature or settle, so be patient and remain diligent in your incision line care. Follow all post-surgery instructions and avoid doing too much, too soon. Doing too much can risk stretching your incision lines and make your scars look worse.

Remember, there’s also no guarantee of what your scar will look like – after healing from surgery. Some people are simply unlucky when it comes to scar tendencies (e.g. some skin types are more prone to having raised, jagged keloid scars). But while some aspects of scarring can’t be controlled, if you follow all post-surgery instructions precisely, you’ll optimise the likelihood of getting a less visible scar result after breast surgery. Eat well, rest well, avoid stress and stay well hydrated. Rapid Recovery Pack supplements may also aid your healing.

Another factor to consider is whether you are having a primary (first-time) breast surgery or a secondary procedure. Combined procedures, such as a breast lift with breast implants (the mastopexy-augmentation), will leave vertical scars on the breast area (ask to see photographic examples during a consultation). Further, other breast surgery scars, such as breast reduction surgery scars, can be reduced using advanced incision methods, such as the Le Jour breast reduction method used by Dr Rubinstein.

Smoking and Scarring

Remember, smoking harms every aspect of your healing. Smoking can ruin your surgery results and lead to numerous complications. Be sure you’re honest with your surgeon about your smoking habits, even casual smoking.

Further, it is important to quit well in advance of having surgery. Additionally, your nutritional intake impacts your healing processes. Make good nutritional choices, rest well, stay hydrated, read and follow the post-surgery guidelines; and make use of your special Rapid Recovery Pack.

Short Scar Method vs Traditional Breast Augmentation Insertion Scars

Breast augmentation scars in the breast crease typically range between 5 cm to 7 cm in length. A short scar or smaller incision line method can sometimes reduce the scar length to 4 cm or less (3 cm to 4 cm) for suitable surgery candidates with healing ability and healthy lifestyles.

Post-surgery care can also impact the width of the scar as well as suturing methods. So be careful not to overstretch the incision line as it heals. The breast implant choice and Keller Funnel are typically involved in the short scar method.

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The Small Scar Breast Augmentation Option by Dr Craig Rubinstein

For the short-incision line method or ‘small scar’ approach to augmentation procedures:

  • A Keller Funnel assists with the insertion of the breast implant
  • This surgical technique may also help reduce bacterial risks and overhandling of the breast prosthesis
  • In fact, this approach is one of the 14 recommended steps that plastic surgeons can take to reduce complication risks
  • Dr Rubinstein prefers the Keller Funnel because it also allows for smaller incision lines and shorter scars for selected patients plus may prevent or reduce implant handling complications
  • Breast implant selection may also impact the size of the scar (ask him about Motiva and Mentor implant choices)

Measurements, surgical markups, and photographs are performed before you get your breast implants. This is an important part of having breast augmentation surgery. Before and after photographs are also taken as part of your medical record and are sometimes used for educational purposes (you’ll be given details during your consultation and you’ll sign a consent). These markups can help you and your surgeon evaluate your suitability for a shorter incision line and smaller scar after breast augmentation.

The image below shows a pre-surgery markup and measurements made by Dr Rubinstein for a breast enlargement procedure.

Please note:

The incision line for breast augmentation tends to be made in the inframmary fold for the majority of breast augmentation procedures.

Remember, results can vary from patient to patient. All surgery has risks and you need a personal consultation to assess which options for breast augmentation or breast lift (mastopexy) surgery will suit your specific goals and existing breast tissues and skin strength. Be sure you only seek breast augmentation or other cosmetic surgery procedures after doing adequate research and asking questions of your surgeon, including assessing if they are a genuine plastic surgeon vs a medical practitioner.

Please contact Dr Rubinstein’s office to book a consultation or enquire about further information regarding plastic surgery procedures.

About Dr Craig Rubinstein

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Dr Craig Rubinstein FRACS (Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons) is an experienced Melbourne Specialist Plastic Surgeon for breast and abdominoplasty surgery.

Dr Rubinstein offers women personalised abdominoplasty surgery and all forms of cosmetic breast surgery.

BOOK A CONSULTATION (03) 8849 1400

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  • Visit the FAQs and read patient reviews to learn more about your intended procedure.
  • For more information about pricing visit our cost page.
  • You can also call our Reception from 9 to 5 pm Monday to Friday on (03) 8849 1400

Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery

About Your First Consultation

  • Dr Rubinstein’s Consultation fee is $300.
  • A referral from your GP or specialist is essential.
  • A referral helps when claiming Medicare or Private Health Insurance coverage.
  • Please contact reception at Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery to book your consultation.

What to Bring to Your Consultation

  • You are more than welcome to bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices.
  • Ensure you also take a lot of notes and thoroughly examine the documents provided.