Weight is one of the many factors that surgeons will typically need to consider before performing most types of plastic surgery. Since breast reduction surgery involves removing excess breast tissue to reduce the size of the breasts, weight can be a significant factor when it comes to patient suitability.
Read on to learn more about why weight will need to be considered before undergoing a breast reduction, and what it can mean when determining what makes a suitable candidate.
What is breast reduction surgery?
Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, is designed to reduce the size of the breasts by removing excess tissue, fat, and skin.
It’s a common procedure choice for women with larger breasts that are causing significant discomfort, such as back, neck, or shoulder pain, as well as those who may feel restricted in their daily activities.
While the goal of the procedure is to reduce the size of the breasts, the level of reduction that will be achieved entirely depends on each patient’s goals and personal needs.
How does weight factor into a patient’s suitability for breast reduction?
Normally, before undergoing plastic surgery, patients need to be within a healthy weight range. Being at a stable, healthy weight can reduce the chance of encountering complications and support longer-lasting results.
For example, patients with a higher body mass index (BMI) are at a slightly increased risk of complications during surgery, such as infection or issues with wound healing. Losing weight before surgery can help to reduce these risks.
When it comes to breast reduction, some patients may find that the size of their breasts can slightly decrease after reaching a healthy weight. This then allows for the final size of the breasts to be clearly assessed to better determine the level of reduction needed.
Maintaining a stable weight after a breast reduction can also ensure that the results are maintained in the longer term, as weight fluctuations can change the results. For example, if you lose a significant amount of weight after surgery, your breasts may reduce in size further, potentially leading to loose skin or a need for revision surgery. On the other hand, gaining a significant amount of weight after surgery could cause the breasts to become larger again, which could interfere with the results of the reduction.
Do all patients need to lose weight before undergoing a breast reduction?
Not all patients will be required to lose weight before having a breast reduction, but some may benefit from reaching a healthier weight before undergoing the procedure. The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all, and it depends on multiple factors that must be considered.
If you’re already at a stable weight and generally healthy, there is typically no need to undergo additional weight loss before the procedure. On the other hand, if you fall above the healthy weight range, your surgeon may recommend losing weight before considering the procedure.
Sometimes, patients may have already tried to lose weight and have not seen a change in the size of their breasts. In these cases, it will be up to your surgeon as to whether or not it is worth proceeding with the procedure, regardless of your current weight. However, surgeons typically avoid performing the procedure on those who can be considered to be at risk of complications occurring.
Discuss your suitability and how to prepare for the procedure during a consultation
Your suitability for a breast reduction, including whether or not you may need to lose weight before the procedure, will ultimately need to be discussed during a consultation.
Breast reduction surgery is a highly individualised procedure, and the decision to lose weight beforehand should be based on your personal health, goals, and the advice of your surgeon.
While weight loss can sometimes support the procedure’s results and reduce complications, it’s not always necessary, especially if you’re already at a stable and healthy weight or if weight loss will not affect the size of your breasts.
During a consultation with your plastic surgeon, they will assess your health, the size of your breasts, and factors such as weight to determine if you’re suitable and if weight loss may be necessary. If weight loss is recommended, your surgeon can discuss how this can be achieved with a healthy approach.
Dr Rubinstein: Breast reduction surgeon in Melbourne
Melbourne-based Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Craig Rubinstein focuses on breast and abdominoplasty procedures, including breast reductions.
With over 25 years of experience, he has performed over 7,000 procedures and refined his skills in scar minimisation, such as the Le Jour incision technique. He has trained in Switzerland, Britain, and America, building his extensive knowledge in the field of plastic surgery.
During a consultation, Dr Rubinstein can assess your suitability for breast reduction surgery and advise if any changes should be made before undergoing your procedure.
To discuss how to book your consultation for a breast reduction with Dr Rubinstein, please contact our team.
Read more:
- Dr Rubinstein’s Breast Reduction Surgery Page
- Dr Rubinstein’s Breast Reduction Before and After Gallery
- Dr Rubinstein’s blog: Recovering After Breast Reduction Mammoplasty
- Dr Rubinstein’s blog: Will Medicare Cover My Breast Reduction Surgery?
- Dr Rubinstein’s blog: How Much Does a Breast Reduction Cost in Melbourne?
- Dr Rubinstein’s blog: Preserving Nipple Sensation During Breast Reduction
- Dr Rubinstein’s blog: How to Reduce Breast Size: Is Surgery the Suitable Solution?